Pre-existing data
enables ROOK to extract prior health information from users, providing clients with immediate access to user data from multiple sources. This feature ensures that clients can access up to 7 days of pre-existing data from API-based sources and up to 29 days from SDK-based sources, allowing for faster initial analysis. By delivering data and calculating initial ROOKScores as soon as a user connects, this feature enhances the onboarding experience and provides actionable insights without the typical waiting period for new data to accumulate.
With this project, clients can now automatically retrieve up to 7 days of historical data via the API or 29 days via the SDK for more accurate user wellness analysis. Additionally, this feature simplifies the calculation of an initial ROOKScore, providing clients with valuable insights into user wellness from the moment of connection.
ROOKConnect integration is compatible with various data sources, including Android, Apple Health, Garmin, Fitbit, Health Connect, Polar, Oura, Whoop and Withings. Compliance with privacy and security regulations is also ensured.
Key Features
- Access to pre-existing Data:Retrieve up to 7 days (API) or 29 days (SDK) of historical health data prior to connection.
- Health Score Calculation:Use historical data to calculate an initial health score, providing immediate visibility into the user's health status.
- Automated Extraction:Automatically deliver health data summaries via client-configured webhooks.
Business rules and special cases
- The pre-existing information we send is: The last 7(API) 29(SDKs) days post linking (It depends on the data source)
- Physical Summary
- Sleep Summary
- Body Summary
- ROOKScore
- The pre-existing data includes up to the last 7/29 days (depending on the data source) for Physical Summary, Sleep Summary, Body Summary, and ROOKScore. Access to this data depends on the user’s consistent application usage and synchronization with their data source. If synchronization is incomplete, pre-existing data cannot be retrieved.
- How sending pre-existing physical, sleep and body information works
- It is immediately after the user links.
- How ROOKScore submission works
- Once the user is linked, the pre-existing ROOKScore will be sent within a maximum of 24 hours. It may be sent at the time, but ROOK guarantees sending the ROOKScores within a maximum of 24 hours after the user is linked.
5. The pre-existing data that we can extract from each data source : Each data source is different, so in some cases we can only extract certain types of data, which we will see below.

Note: that in the Body information, the last update made by the user will always be sent
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I enable Pre-existing Data?
- To activate pre-existing data, you will need to activate it through your ROOK site, in the "Customize ROOK" module. Please note that this feature must be included in your current plan.
2 . Will an additional endpoint be required?
- No. When Pre-existing Data is enabled, historical user data will be automatically sent via the Data Webhook.
3. What is the structure of JSON files for historical data?
- The JSON file structure for events and summaries is identical to the format used for daily data deliveries.
4. How many days of historical data are retrieved?
- API: Up to 7 days prior to the connection.
- SDK: Up to 29 days prior to the connection.
5. Is data extraction automatic, or does it require manual requests?
- Pre-existing data is extracted automatically and sent via the configured webhook.