This project will focus on providing customers with real-time logs of their queries to track their integration with ROOK. These logs include information about event queries and user summaries. Implementing these logs efficiently can facilitate issue resolution and enhance the overall quality and independence of our product.
The project will feature a new module, "Logs," in the ROOK Portal. Here, you can view your queries directly and in real-time, historically, made through the integration of our Webhooks APIs with ROOKConnect. You will be able to review the following data:
  • Date and time of the query
  • Log type
  • Linked User ID
  • Query status
  • Source of the consulted data
  • Access to the JSON of each successfully delivered query of events and summaries.
The benefits of this project include:
  • Facilitating integration issue resolution.
  • Enhancing the overall quality of the product.
  • Making information easier to find.
  • Providing users with greater independence by granting access to detailed information.
  • Accessing JSON data from past events and summaries queries.
Frequent questions
What is the main goal of the implementation project for the logs module in the ROOK Portal?
The main goal of this project is to provide our clients with the ability to access real-time logs that track integration with ROOK. These logs contain detailed information about event queries, as well as user summaries.
What data will be visible through the new Logs module in the ROOK Portal?
Through the new Logs module, users will be able to view key information, including the date and time of the query, the log type, the associated User ID, the query status, and the consulted data source. Additionally, they will have the ability to review specific details of each successful query delivered in the form of events and summaries, with access to the corresponding JSON files.
How will this project facilitate integration issue resolution?
The efficient implementation of real-time logs will allow quick and accurate identification of any integration issues.
What are the key benefits for clients in accessing the Logs module?
Clients will benefit from increased independence by easily accessing detailed information about their queries. This will provide them with the ability to autonomously resolve issues, improve the quality of their integration, and quickly find the information they need, contributing to a more efficient and autonomous experience.
What advantages does the ability to query past JSON events and summaries offer?
The ability to query past JSON events and summaries provides clients with complete access to historical information about their users. This not only facilitates the review of previous queries but also allows for retrospective analysis, serving to improve processes and optimize future integrations.
What types of logs are there?
Currently, we work with two types of logs, which vary according to the pillar being queried. These log types are events and summaries.
What are the statuses handled by the module?
We work with HTTP response status codes, which are:
  • 200 - Successful
  • 201 - Created
  • 202 - Accepted
  • 203 - Non-Authoritative Information
  • 204 - No content
  • 205 - Reset content
  • 206 - Partial content
  • 300 - Multiple choice
  • 301 - Moved Permanently
  • 302 - Found
  • 303 - See Other
  • 304 - Not modified
  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 401 - Unauthorized
  • 404 - Not Found
Can I export the logs?
Yes, the queried logs can be exported in a CSV file.
Can I check the JSON of the logs?
Currently, you can only check the logs for events and summaries with a 200 - Successful response. If it doesn't meet any of these conditions, the logs will not have a detailed view or a JSON.